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Adults & Families

Adult and Family Services In Silicon Valley

JFS Silicon Valley provides a safety net of case management, counseling, advocacy and emergency assistance to people in the community facing a life crisis or ongoing challenges. Jewish history and values guide our work, so we work to meet the particular needs of the Jewish community while also providing services to people of all backgrounds.


Our experienced staff conduct a professional assessment for the individual or family and determine which programs and services are most appropriate to meet the client’s needs.

Adults and Families

Case Management Support

Client's co-create care plans with a social worker that may include assistance with covering essentials such as utilities, clothing, small household items and transportation.

Emergency Food Assistance

Our food assistance program includes food packages, supermarket gift cards, food drives and food pantry.


“Embrace-A-Family” Holiday Gift Program

Our Embrace-A-Family holiday gift program provides toys and gifts to low-income children and adults struggling at the holiday season.

“Equipped to Learn” Back-to-School Drive

Our Equipped to Learn Back-To-School program provides backpacks, school supplies and school clothing for students of all ages from pre-school through adult learners.

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P.O. Box 320490

Main Office: (408) 556-0600

Intake Specialist for Refugee Services: (408) 357-7457


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Adult and Family Services Silicon Valley CA | Jewish Family Services Silicon Valley

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