It’s been two years since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan forced nearly 130,000 Afghans to flee to the United States and thousands more to flee to other countries. Since, mid-2021, JFS SV has resettled 550 of those refugees who came here to the Bay Area.
After almost two years of waiting in other countries for their paperwork to be processed, a new wave of Afghan Refugees is coming to the US with many resettling here in Silicon Valley. JFS SV is ready to welcome these refugees and help them on their path to rebuilding their lives.

We Need Your Help
With this huge influx of Afghan refugees, our refugee and career services team is resettling an average of three to four families per week, some with as many as nine family members. We are also serving refugees and asylum seekers from Ukraine, Venezuela, Haiti and Cuba.

There are two ways you can help us provide the critical services and support needed by these individuals and families:
Donate to JFS SV’s Ruth Perkins Emergency Fund for Refugees at
Provide refugees with temporary or permanent housing! Contact Allyson Landers, Refugee Housing Coordinator at 408-410-6824 if you or anyone you know is willing to temporarily house refugees or owns a rental apartment or home.
Your donations enable our resettlement staff to deliver essential services including locating and preparing housing, assisting with access to employment, connecting refugees to medical and legals services, enrolling youth in school, and providing case management during the refugees’ first three months in their new communities. These services ensure that our refugee clients have everything thing they need to begin to stabilize and become self-sufficient in their new communities
Santa Clara County has THE most expensive housing market in the entire country. Our refugee clients need access to and financial support for housing so they can enroll their children in school, feel a sense of safety and stability after years living in limbo and rebuild their lives.
Thank you for helping us restore hope and transform lives!