As the war in Ukraine grinds on, refugees like Ganna Schcherbatykn and her two-year-old daughter, Diana, face an uncertain future. However, when a community bands together to welcome these displaced Ukrainians, an unfamiliar place can become a new home.
Last Christmas, the Schcherbatykns received such a welcome. Through a partnership with Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley, members of the Rotary Club of Morgan Hill made arrangements to supply the young, displaced family with everything from basic household essentials to toys and learning tools for the girl. They live in Milpitas.
“It was very unexpected,” Schcherbatykn said. “My English teacher, Aura, one day called me and said, ‘There are some very good people who want to give a little Christmas miracle for you and your daughter.’”
This “miracle” was arranged by JFS after Schcherbatykn signed up for their program, called “Embrace-A-Family,” which connects co-sponsors with a family in need to provide assistance during the holidays. Despite the fact Ganna and her daughter arrived in the U.S. too late to apply to be a part of the program, the Rotary Club arranged with JFS to adopt the two after the deadline.